How to increase stability of the ViewportWidget streams from Cameras?

I created window with 4 ViewportWidgets each streaming a camera from the scene.

Even though I provide an exact prim path to the camera that I want the viewport to, it randomly shows other cameras, and then sometimes even crashes Isaac Sim.

Video to explain the Viewport Widget camera stream instability

Strangely, it seems the viewports stabilize if your mouse cursor is over one of the viewport widgets.
I don’t understand why mousing over the camera would have any effect on which camera is rendered, or the performance.

This definitely seems like a bug with Isaac Sim.

Thank you for reporting this issue with the ViewportWidget streams in Isaac Sim. It appears you’re experiencing some instability and unexpected behavior with camera rendering in multiple viewports.

I would strongly recommend upgrading to the latest version of Isaac Sim, which is currently version 4.2.0.

upgrading to the latest version of Isaac Sim, which is currently version 4.2.0

Yes, I would like to use the latest version. I tried to upgrade and had other problem so reverted back to 4.0.0 until the installation and libraries issues are resolved.

See my post: Isaac Sim version 4.2.0 missing many Isaac Utils and Isaac Examples there were available in previous versions - Omniverse / Isaac Sim - NVIDIA Developer Forums