How to install PhysX 5 SDK?

I want to build and experiment with latest PhysX demos, like with kaplademo before. So I found PhysX page, clicked Get PhysX 5 in
, installed Omniverse… And now what? I don’t see any PhysX SDK mentions. Where to find demos and sources for them? How to install PhysX SDK and get access to its .lib and .h files?

I also want to know this. It says “apply for early access to get physx 5” but doesn’t explain how or where

Following this too…

Also, where is the PhysX SDK 5.0 documentation?

You need to install Omniverse Kit to get it through Omniverse. They should make the instructions more clear.

For the C++ PhysX 5 SDK, the download is here:

In a nutshell:

git clone
cd PhysX
cd physx
generate_projects.bat (Windows) 
./ (Linux)

This is the forums for Modulus deep learning package. You are unlikely to find support for PhysX here. Post any questions / issues on the PhysX github page. Locking thread.