I use Orin on a custom board with system version r35.3.1. This version of the system has enabled the serial ports ttyTHS0, ttyTHS1, and ttyTHS3. I haven’t made any relevant changes, and on the custom board only ttyTHS0 works properly, ttyTHS1 and ttyTHS3 do not work correctly. I have checked the relevant pinmux and register status, but have not found any abnormal situations. Is there a standard check process or self-testing method to confirm that there are no issues with the serial port configuration on Orin?
This isn’t really entirely what you are asking, but loopback is a useful test for UARTs. Connect a UART’s own TX to RX, and if flow control is used, its own CTS to its own RTS. Then writing to the device special file should also allow reading. With separate UARTs there is a risk of running at different settings not working, but normally a UART will agree with itself! 😁
If you have an oscilloscope, then you could just watch for activity on those lines. Incorrect settings typically still show some activity, although the receive won’t put out anything when settings are mismatched. If you see sending data at one end triggering RTS, and traffic only works one way, then probably one side has flow control enabled while the other side does not.
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