Our customized Orin carrier board use UART2 for serial communication. It has 3 pins, TX,RX,and ground. L4T version is 36.31 , and module is Orin64G(0005).
How to let it work on our carrier board ?
Hi jb035.cheng,
Have you verified UART on the devkit?
Sorry that I’m not familiar with your custom carrier board. I don’t know if you have the custom design on that.
Do you mean the UART interface which is used as Tegra Combined UART for debug purpose by default? (/dev/ttyTCU0
I use the UART1(RX,TX,gournd) of 40 pin header as the first serial device on our board, and I can use putty to open the /dev/ttyTHS1 (8n1,115200) which connect to an USB to UART device from desktop x86 , and send characters by putty app.
Our second serial device uses the UART2, should I modify the device tree or other SW features to work just like the UART1 ?
For AGX Orin, UART2 is output to Micro-USB on the devkit.
It should be uarte@3140000
, please enable it from device tree and configure it used as UART in pinmux spreadsheet.
Please also share the full dmesg for further check.
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