We’re trying to use AGX Orin / UART2 as a RS-485 interface. With NOTHING connected to the port, the behavior of the interface is it reads whatever is written to it as if it’s in some loop-back mode. Googling this around, I landed on a story where another user had a similar issue with UART2. The issue was closed without resolution, so I am curious if there is such a mode on the AGX Orin UART.
Could it be bound to some other function, like a debug port?
I answered your question follow up question. Why aren’t you addressing my original issue? I already referenced a different case where some other user had the exact same problem, and the case was closed due to inactivity (maybe that user lost patience too?).
Please address the issue I raised in my original post.
There is nothing useful in that article since it was closed without resolution due to inactivity. Current status is after disconnecting the port (ttyS0) from agetty terminal program - which apparently the SDK Manager build does by default - the port still does not operate, but no longer exhibits the “loop back” behavior.
There were no entries I could find in the pinmux spreadsheet or the resultant *.dtsi files.
Nothing happened. The cat /dev/ttyS0 command did not exit or receive any characters. I also tried the command: echo “test” > /dev/ttyS0, because I’m guessing the /dev/ttyTHS0 in your suggested write command was a typo and still nothing happened.