Hello, I’m new in the world of python and omniverse and I have a question that I’m afraid is going to be so dumb for all of you guys.
Having my USD project loaded already in the scene, how can I link scripts to the objects in the USD (for example a 6 joint robot in order to articulate it an controll it) and then run the scripts?
I saw in the documentation that to run a python script it is in the Isaac Sim root folder > ./python/sh {pathtofile}.py but doing this results in errors at importing everything (ImportError: underfined symbol).
I am having a huge confusion at understanding projects, custom scripts and extensions. It is better to create a single folder with all the usd and scripts as a whole project, or to create a custom extension and there add all the scripts, or to call the scripts from the other extensions?
I am so sorry but I am quite lost in the first step and I have been feeling useless. Thank you.