We are checking the issue. Since we do not have the IP cameras you have, please help run attached app and share the print:
bufferformat: NvBufferColorFormat_NV12
Please modify rtsp location in the code and execute the steps:
$ export MMAPI_INCLUDE=/usr/src/tegra_multimedia_api/include
$ export MMAPI_CLASS=/usr/src/tegra_multimedia_api/samples/common/classes
$ export USR_LIB=/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu
$ g++ -Wall -std=c++11 decode.cpp -o decode $(pkg-config --cflags --libs gstreamer-app-1.0) -I$MMAPI_INCLUDE $USR_LIB/tegra/libnvbuf_utils.so $MMAPI_CLASS/NvEglRenderer.o $MMAPI_CLASS/NvElement.o $MMAPI_CLASS/NvElementProfiler.o $MMAPI_CLASS/NvLogging.o $USR_LIB/libEGL.so $USR_LIB/libGLESv2.so $USR_LIB/libX11.so
$ export DISPLAY=:1(or 0)
$ ./decode
decode.zip (1.47 KB)