I have a question about the end of support for Omniverse Launcher


I read on the NVIDIA forums that “Omniverse Launcher” will be out of support after October 1, 2025. Is this true, and if so, may I ask why support for “Omniverse Launcher” will end and for what reason?

NVIDIA’s “Omniverse Launcher” is a globally recognized and respected platform, so I’m surprised to hear about the end of support.

@Kinesis19 i am just another user, but based on a fairly recent post from the mod (see below), i believe the end goal is to improve accessibility. in short, yes, it’s going to be deprecated. however, within the aforementioned post, you should be able to find steps to compile app templates you wish to use moving forward.

it may sound counterintuitive, but one of the concerns in the past was having to wait between version releases (beta or production-ready) leaving users having to find temporary workarounds for bugs (best case scenario) or render the apps unusable for a specific purpose (worse case scenario). plus, the subsequent concern of not knowing when the next release is going public leaves users in the dark. so moving away from the platform should allow the devs at NVIDIA publish updates/bug fixes more often via channels such as GitHub and/or NGC Catalog.

another possibility that is purely a speculation on my part, is that keeping a centralized launcher, in and of itself would require maintenance and/or updates. so by deprecating the launcher could allow more focus and resources be put on the apps themselves.

the mods can probably give you more concise reasoning, so i’ll defer to them.


We are just moving away from Launcher, but NOT from Omniverse, or Kit. We are just focusing on the raw kit and kit code. But nothing is changing for a long long time. And even after that you can continue to use the Legacy Launcher if you wish. We will just not update it past October. If you want to get up to date with the new new, then follow these exact intructions…

Here is my one list cheat sheet for quick build

  1. Download “git” from Git - Downloads
  2. Download "git Large File Storage from https://git-lfs.com/
  3. Start a windows command console by using running “cmd” from the Windows Start menu
  4. cd\
  5. git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA-Omniverse/kit-app-template.git
  6. cd kit-app-template
  7. repo template new
  8. repo build
  9. repo launch -d
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I’m sorry Richard 3D, but even your simple cheat sheet is Greek to me.
I just don’t understand the CMD PROMPT syntax and when I copy and paste what you wrote, I’m missing something because I don’t seem to get anywhere.

Obviously I am not a programmer or have much command prompt experience.
Like others on the forums, I’m a visual artist, illustrator etc… , and that’s it.
I’m also old, so that’s a thing I suppose.
I see in another post, you don’t need to be a coder to work within the new format.
Well, this is not intuitive for a me. I don’t know what I don’t know, so how do I get there?.

I love Omniverse and have used it effectively even without utilizing Python or Command Prompts.
So what am I missing here?
Should I migrate back to Unreal and my “common” programs like Maya & C4D?
Step by Step is what I’m requiring and believe it or not, what you wrote is not step by step. It’s based on an assumption that your audience is comfortable with command prompts, or coding, and perhaps your are correct, they should be, and that is the price of admission.
Point me, if you would, to a learning source for neophytes like me, and I’ll happily dive in and continue my journey with Omniverse. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.



Well let me try to help. The list I wrote is literally a step by step guide, with no steps or shortcuts, BUT yes, it may require some knowledge beforehand.

Lets go through the list again but with more context.

Ok first things first.

  1. Download “git” from Git - Downloads
    For this literally click this link and download the program. It is small, free and easy to install. Pick your Windows x64 or Linux

  2. Download "git Large File Storage from https://git-lfs.com/
    For this literally click this link and download the program. It is small, free and easy to install. Pick your Windows x64 or Linux

  3. Start a windows command console by using running “cmd” from the Windows Start menu.
    For this hit the Windows Key, if on Windows, and type in “CMD”. This will bring up the command prompt.

  4. Navigate to the root of c: or d: drive.
    Go to the place you want to install the template. You can type “cd/” to get to the root of the C Drive

  5. Paste this command in and hit enter
    git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA-Omniverse/kit-app-template.git

  6. type “cd kit-app-template”

  7. type “repo template new”

  8. type “repo build”

  9. type “repo launch -d”

I really appreciate the effort you’ve taken to walk me through this. believe it of not, I still blew it. Please see below: (the problem I think is where I’m asked to name the application)

NVIDIA Software License Agreement link: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/agreements/enterprise-software/nvidia-software-license-agreement/

Product-Specific Terms for NVIDIA Omniverse link: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/agreements/enterprise-software/product-specific-terms-for-omniverse/

? Do you accept the EULA (End User License Agreement)? Yes
[ctrl+c to Exit]
? Select with arrow keys what you want to create: Application>
? Select with arrow keys your desired template: [omni_usd_composer]: USD Composer
? Enter name of application .kit file [name-spaced, lowercase, alphanumeric]: my_company.my_usd_composerhubvisual.my_co
? Enter application_display_name: My USD ComposerUSD_composer
? Enter version: 0.1.0

The application template you have selected requires a setup extension.
Setup Extension → omni_usd_composer_setup
Configuring extension template: Omni USD Composer Setup
? Enter name of extension [name-spaced, lowercase, alphanumeric]: my_company.my_usd_composer_setup_extensionhubvisual.m
? Enter extension_display_name: My USD Composer Setup Extension
? Enter version: 0.1.0
Extension ‘my_company.my_usd_composer_setup_extensionhubvisual.my_composer_setup_extension’ created successfully in C:\kit-app-template\source\extensions\my_company.my_usd_composer_setup_extensionhubvisual.my_composer_setup_extension
Application ‘my_company.my_usd_composerhubvisual.my_composer’ created successfully in C:\kit-app-template\source\apps\my_company.my_usd_composerhubvisual.my_composer.kit

The application template you have selected requires an ApplicationLayerTemplate.
Application Template → omni_default_streaming
Application ‘my_company.my_usd_composerhubvisual.my_composer’ created successfully in C:\kit-app-template\source\apps\my_company.my_usd_composerhubvisual.my_composer_streaming.kit

The application template you have selected requires an ApplicationLayerTemplate.
Application Template → ovc_streaming
Application ‘my_company.my_usd_composerhubvisual.my_composer’ created successfully in C:\kit-app-template\source\apps\my_company.my_usd_composerhubvisual.my_composer_ovc.kit

C:\kit-app-template>repo launch -d
[ctrl+c to Exit]
There were no apps discovered in the default Kit App Path: C:\kit-app-template_build\windows-x86_64\release\apps. You must create an app first via repo.bat template new and then build via repo.bat build.


OK. So your issue is not within installing it but more the prompts you get once you’ve made it. These prompts are designed to be fairy straight forward. If you want, just keep hitting enter enter enter. You don’t need to think about anything.

Yes, you need to accept the license agreement

The only choice you want to make is do you want an application or extension. The next question is what application do you want? Normally the vast majority won USD composer.

So just start the install, and just keep hitting. Enter enter enter. Then will ask you for an application. choose USD composer.

Remember, all of this is still just step 7. Once you are finished with “template new”, you still need to “repo, build”, and “repo launch”.

Thank you once again Richard. I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it. I appreciate your advice.

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Thanks and good luck