Omniverse USD composer being discontinued?

Sorry, I am not sure I understand the situation with the launcher. I use omniverse USD composer to create animations. Will I still be able to do that doing forward?

I think I am starting to understand. Download Kit base editor and install the extensions to essentially recreate USD composer? But there seems to be some missing?

We need to build omniverse compose from github? As a 3D artist not a 3D dev, should I not pursue Omniverse anymore? I am very confused. Please help.

You still have version 2023.2.5 on the Launcher. You can stick with that if you wish. If you wish to try the latest version of our “templates” such as USD Composer, you can download the latest version for 106 here at GitHub - NVIDIA-Omniverse/kit-app-template: Omniverse Kit App Template

It is very simple and easy to do. Just install Git and Git LFS before you start and follow the instructions.

Thanks for your help, sorry I am still confused. What happens after launcher is no longer supported? Will 2023.2.5 be updated? Is the only path going forward using templates from github? I have dozens of projects ongoing in omniverse and many more coming. I am unsure if I should start the new projects in omniverse compose.

USD Composer has always been a “template” for our kit based platform Omniverse. It is not an App. Nothing has changed. We are just starting to move our “templates” to GITHUB and off Launcher for speed of delivery. Launcher is now Legacy and yes it will be depreciated. It should not affect your workflow at all.

2023.2.5 HAS been updated. It is in the 106 KAT (Kit App Template) at GitHub - NVIDIA-Omniverse/kit-app-template: Omniverse Kit App Template

Thanks for the information. I do understand now, this is a little over my head and am sad to think I need to go back to rendering inside of 3DS Max. I will give the template a shot to see if I can make any progress.

? Yes I think you will be fine. It is very simple. Again, nothing is changing, but just the delivery method.

Hey @csoderholm

As a deep-hearted artist myself (who took a dive into the developer world!), I totally get this concern. But even as we begin to move our SDK over to GIthub to support faster development, I want to encourage you to continue using Omnverse for your creative workflow. Building a Kit 106 app is not as daunting as you may think, even with zero experience with coding - because you don’t need to code! Don’t feel that you have to “give up” on the platform you love, we haven’t abandoned our creative users and had users like you in mind as we made these changes.

Feel free to reach out to me on our Discord if you need any support if you decide to look into a Kit 106 :)

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Thank you, and thanks to Richard for the vote of confidence and motivation to do it. I got it working!!! I do love Omniverse and I hope this leads me down a path where I can make and deploy product configurators. I am just having some issues packaging the build. I will reach out if I keep getting stuck. I am going to spend the entire weekend learning what I can. I have always been just a 3D artist end user, I hope that changes now. Thanks again


Great glad to hear !

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