Failed install of code 2023.1.1

Hi, I am unable to install code 2023.1.1
I have tried reinstalling omniverse and the issue persists.

Here is my log file:
launcher.log (220.2 KB)

@frederick.liew i am just another OV user, but is this the first time you are using OV? if so, could you try rebooting your machine after OV Launcher installation? also, have you tried other versions to see if this issue persists?

I have used 2022.3.1 in the past and upgraded to 2022.3.3 successfully.

I also get the same error.
I’m currently using code 2022.3.3 release.

@frederick.liew @hjkim7 are you guys getting stuck at pull_kit_sdk.bat during installation? can you guys also try updating the OV launcher to 1.9.10 and see if the issue persists?

If you are having any issues please post modern logs

Have updated my OV launcher to 1.9.10
This error occurs while trying to install the newer version of code

Error occurred during installation of Code: error running: ['D:\\omniverse\\Library\\deps\\795f6abc38988ca868180636507b0118\\dev\\tools\\../../kit/kit.exe', 'D:\\omniverse\\Library\\deps\\795f6abc38988ca868180636507b0118\\dev\\tools\\../../apps/omni.code.kit', '--allow-root', '--ext-precache-mode', '--/app/settings/persistent=0', '--/app/settings/loadUserConfig=0', '--/app/enableStdoutOutput=1', '--/app/extensions/registryEnabled=1', '--/app/extensions/mkdirExtFolders=0', '--/log/flushStandardStreamOutput=1', '--/exts/omni.kit.registry.nucleus/registries/0/name="kit/default"', '--/exts/omni.kit.registry.nucleus/registries/0/url=""', '--/exts/omni.kit.registry.nucleus/registries/1/name="kit/sdk"', '--/exts/omni.kit.registry.nucleus/registries/1/url="${kit_version_short}/${kit_git_hash}"', "--/app/extensions/registryCacheFull='D:\\omniverse\\Library\\deps\\795f6abc38988ca868180636507b0118\\dev\\tools\\../../extscache'", '--ext-folder', 'D:\\omniverse\\Library\\deps\\795f6abc38988ca868180636507b0118\\dev\\tools\\../../exts', '--ext-folder', 'D:\\omniverse\\Library\\deps\\795f6abc38988ca868180636507b0118\\dev\\tools\\../../apps', '--/app/extensions/parallelPullEnabled=1', '--/app/enableStdoutOutput=0', '--/app/fastShutdown=1'], code: 55, message: ""

Attached is the log from /logs
launcher.log (315.9 KB)

Your log is fully of HTTP:403 errors. 403 means you are not authorized to install the feature.

[2023-12-13 14:48:45.589] [warn] Couldn’t load featured components: Error: Featured components are not available – HTTP403.

This could mean that you are not currently logged in correctly into Launcher, or you are currently trying to pull data behind a firewall that is not allowing it. Or you are located in one of the countries that is currently restricted.

Where are you located ?

Actually we have looked into this and there might be an issue at our end with a locked file. We are investigating now. I will check back when its ready and ask you to try again.

Can you try again, the issue has been fixed !

I am still having issues with the installation
This is the error:

Error occurred during installation of Code: error running: ['D:\\omniverse\\Library\\deps\\795f6abc38988ca868180636507b0118\\dev\\tools\\../../kit/kit.exe', 'D:\\omniverse\\Library\\deps\\795f6abc38988ca868180636507b0118\\dev\\tools\\../../apps/omni.code.kit', '--allow-root', '--ext-precache-mode', '--/app/settings/persistent=0', '--/app/settings/loadUserConfig=0', '--/app/enableStdoutOutput=1', '--/app/extensions/registryEnabled=1', '--/app/extensions/mkdirExtFolders=0', '--/log/flushStandardStreamOutput=1', '--/exts/omni.kit.registry.nucleus/registries/0/name="kit/default"', '--/exts/omni.kit.registry.nucleus/registries/0/url=""', '--/exts/omni.kit.registry.nucleus/registries/1/name="kit/sdk"', '--/exts/omni.kit.registry.nucleus/registries/1/url="${kit_version_short}/${kit_git_hash}"', "--/app/extensions/registryCacheFull='D:\\omniverse\\Library\\deps\\795f6abc38988ca868180636507b0118\\dev\\tools\\../../extscache'", '--ext-folder', 'D:\\omniverse\\Library\\deps\\795f6abc38988ca868180636507b0118\\dev\\tools\\../../exts', '--ext-folder', 'D:\\omniverse\\Library\\deps\\795f6abc38988ca868180636507b0118\\dev\\tools\\../../apps', '--/app/extensions/parallelPullEnabled=1', '--/app/enableStdoutOutput=0', '--/app/fastShutdown=1'], code: 55, message: ""

Attached is the log file.
launcher.log (334.1 KB)

Ok lets take a look.

  1. You are having an authorization problem
    [error] Got an error during the token refresh: Error: Unexpected error happened during the authentication. Please try to log out from the launcher and authenticate again. ([invalid_token] -- Token not found)
  2. You are using the wrong Launcher. It is VERY out of date Omniverse Launcher 1.8.11 (production)
  3. It looks like you have the latest launcher ready to install 1.9.10 but you are not installing it
[2024-01-19 21:03:22.710] [info]  Downloading Launcher 1.9.10...
[2024-01-19 21:05:21.497] [info]  Launcher 1.9.10 is downloaded and ready to be installed after restart.
  1. You are trying to install code, whilst waiting to already install Code [error] Error: code@2023.1.1 installation is in progress already.

So here is my advice.

  1. Fully restart your computer
  2. Start Launcher and Make sure you are logged in correctly
  3. Make sure you are updated to 1.9.10. Do not attempt to install any apps until you get to make sure you are running 1.9.10
  4. Try again.

If that does NOT work

  1. Remove All Apps from Launcher
  2. Close launcher
  3. Run Task Manager and end ALL “Omni” threads
  4. Delete your entire c:/users/USER/appdata/temp/OV/ folder
  5. Update Launcher to 1.9.10
  6. Make SURE you are logged in correctly
  7. Try to install Code again

Is the launcher not updated even though the about page shows 1.9.10?

Yes that is the correct launcher

Hello @Richard3D, I am facing the same issue. I have posted about it on Discord but I feel I should post in this thread as well.
This is the error I get when installing:
Error occurred during installation of Code: error running: ['C:\\Users\\makerslab\\AppData\\Local\\ov\\pkg\\deps\\795f6abc38988ca868180636507b0118\\dev\\tools\\../../kit/kit.exe', 'C:\\Users\\makerslab\\AppData\\Local\\ov\\pkg\\deps\\795f6abc38988ca868180636507b0118\\dev\\tools\\../../apps/omni.code.kit', '--allow-root', '--ext-precache-mode', '--/app/settings/persistent=0', '--/app/settings/loadUserConfig=0', '--/app/enableStdoutOutput=1', '--/app/extensions/registryEnabled=1', '--/app/extensions/mkdirExtFolders=0', '--/log/flushStandardStreamOutput=1', '--/exts/omni.kit.registry.nucleus/registries/0/name="kit/default"', '--/exts/omni.kit.registry.nucleus/registries/0/url=""', '--/exts/omni.kit.registry.nucleus/registries/1/name="kit/sdk"', '--/exts/omni.kit.registry.nucleus/registries/1/url="${kit_version_short}/${kit_git_hash}"', "--/app/extensions/registryCacheFull='C:\\Users\\makerslab\\AppData\\Local\\ov\\pkg\\deps\\795f6abc38988ca868180636507b0118\\dev\\tools\\../../extscache'", '--ext-folder', 'C:\\Users\\makerslab\\AppData\\Local\\ov\\pkg\\deps\\795f6abc38988ca868180636507b0118\\dev\\tools\\../../exts', '--ext-folder', 'C:\\Users\\makerslab\\AppData\\Local\\ov\\pkg\\deps\\795f6abc38988ca868180636507b0118\\dev\\tools\\../../apps', '--/app/extensions/parallelPullEnabled=1', '--/app/enableStdoutOutput=0', '--/app/fastShutdown=1'], code: 55, message: ""

And Attached is the log after a clean re-installation of OV Launcher:
launcher (1).log (56.3 KB)

my appdata doesnt have a temp folder, only local, locallow and roaming

I have tried restarting my computer, deleting all apps and relaunching the launcher but i encounter this error upon trying to install code 2023

Error occurred during installation of Code: error running: ['D:\omniverse\Library\deps\795f6abc38988ca868180636507b0118\dev\tools\../../kit/kit.exe', 'D:\omniverse\Library\deps\795f6abc38988ca868180636507b0118\dev\tools\../../apps/omni.code.kit', '--allow-root', '--ext-precache-mode', '--/app/settings/persistent=0', '--/app/settings/loadUserConfig=0', '--/app/enableStdoutOutput=1', '--/app/extensions/registryEnabled=1', '--/app/extensions/mkdirExtFolders=0', '--/log/flushStandardStreamOutput=1', '--/exts/omni.kit.registry.nucleus/registries/0/name="kit/default"', '--/exts/omni.kit.registry.nucleus/registries/0/url=""', '--/exts/omni.kit.registry.nucleus/registries/1/name="kit/sdk"', '--/exts/omni.kit.registry.nucleus/registries/1/url="${kit_version_short}/${kit_git_hash}"', "--/app/extensions/registryCacheFull='D:\omniverse\Library\deps\795f6abc38988ca868180636507b0118\dev\tools\../../extscache'", '--ext-folder', 'D:\omniverse\Library\deps\795f6abc38988ca868180636507b0118\dev\tools\../../exts', '--ext-folder', 'D:\omniverse\Library\deps\795f6abc38988ca868180636507b0118\dev\tools\../../apps', '--/app/extensions/parallelPullEnabled=1', '--/app/enableStdoutOutput=0', '--/app/fastShutdown=1'], code: 55, message: ""

launcher.log (17.8 KB)

@frederick.liew is your case your log shows that you are simply not logged into Launcher and do not have authorization. I would quit and re-login fresh and try again.

@kulkarni.yp in your case you are failing to connect to your own local resources “Error: Failed to connect to the discovery service:”

Also it is telling me in the logs that you are trying to install Code whilst another installation is in progress.

Why don’t both of you uninstall of all the apps and then fully quit launcher. Then delete the entire OV folder containing “cache, data, pkgs”. Try that and try again

@Richard3D I’m guessing you mean the folder under the User’s AppData Folder. Ill try that and install again.