[Info Sharing] Camera tilt shift setting in omniverse for architectural rendering

Hi everyone,

Just sharing some info for peeps that is doing architectural/tall spaces rendering. Often times when dealing with tall spaces like in a multi-lvl mega malls, there is a need to rotate the camera upwards or downward together with a wide angle to capture everything in view, if you’re tilting the camera physically then you’ll find that there is a distortion(the image plane is skew towards one side) as illustrated by the image below.
In order to prevent this issue you should keep the rotation of the camera lvl to the subject (normally 90°, in my testing a ± of 10° is quite ok with minimal distortion), then use the Vertical Aperture Offset setting to shift the image upwards so that you can capture the entire subject with the perspective distortion. Hope this helps.

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Thanks for the info. You can also just use an orthographic lens or a near orthographic lens by setting your camera to a very long focal length. Like 200mm

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