Install JetPack 4.5 to boot from USB: For those looking of a step-by-step guide

UPDATE: I was having issues following this method, like the initial setup script not running, so I tried the suggestion by TWarren and worked great.

What I did:

  • Write the JetPack 4.5 image to a microSD card, boot your Jetson and complete the initial configuration.
  • Create GPT partition table on USB device with only one ext4 partition with the label “APP” (the docs suggest so, but it’s probably not significant)
  • Clone the mounted and running system to the USB device (method suggested by the Arch Wiki):
    $ sudo e2image -ra -p /dev/mmcblk1 /dev/sda1 -f
  • Edit /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf on USB device to boot from /dev/sda1 instead of /dev/mmcblk1.
    (I tried with de UUID and LABEL instead of /dev/sda but it didn’t work, I guess the initrd isn’t able to access them).
  • Turn the Jetson off, remove the microSD card, and reboot.
    Keep in mind that you will be cloning your rootfs, with passwords, SSH and GPG keys included.