IS nsight for orin nano available?

first i tried to start the nsight complex by the cli app:

ncu ./“program” akin to " Analysis-Driven Optimization "example
which gave:

CPU execution time: 0.00321s
==PROF== Connected to process 20964 (/home/aiso/Desktop/cee2ittoo/cprogr_werkplaats/cudatuto/l5)
==ERROR== Profiling is not supported on device 0. To find out supported GPUs refer --list-chips option.
Kernel execution time: 0.003625s
==PROF== Disconnected from process 20964
==WARNING== No kernels were profiled.
==WARNING== Profiling kernels launched by child processes requires the --target-processes all option.

when i type

ncu --list-chips

i get : ga100, ga102, ga104, ga106, ga107, gv100, gv11b, tu102, tu104, tu106, tu116, tu117
Is the Orin Jetson Nano one of these ?


Orin series is ga10b.

Which software version do you use?
ncu contains ga10b support in our environment which is set up with JetPack 5.1.2 / JetPack 6DP.

$ sudo /opt/nvidia/nsight-compute/2022.2.1/ncu  --list-chips
ga100, ga102, ga103, ga104, ga106, ga107, ga10b, gv100, gv11b, tu102, tu104, tu106, tu116, tu117


As you see i don’t so ncu ./application doesnot work.
nsys on the otherhand does ? Why is that ?
How can i make ncu work on my Orin Jetson Nano ?
Of course i use Jetpack 5.1.2 i just installed it.
I get annoyed since buying this Orin Nano Updates don’t seem to work,

  • the 80 X fold speed increase is not present.
    -due to bad documentation i have tried to install CUDAtools, Nsight system , compute en graphics, when they already where installed.
  • glutReshapeWindow does not work, but shows a bug ( the window size enlarges, whilst dragging the titlebar)
  • To me personally information is hard to find, due to the lack of a overview.
  • So here we are, i can not use ncu it says i don’t have the proper processor, you claim i do .

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