Jetpack 5.0.2 :NULL VI channel received & VIFALC_TDSTATE

I am developing a driver which has been working Jetpack 5.0.2 in xavier
(1)Here is the dtsi:
mclk_khz = “27000”;
num_lanes = “4”;
tegra_sinterface = “serial_a”;
phy_mode = “DPHY”;
discontinuous_clk = “no”;
dpcm_enable = “false”;
cil_settletime = “0”;
dynamic_pixel_bit_depth = “16”;
csi_pixel_bit_depth = “16”;
mode_type = “yuv”;
pixel_phase = “uyvy”;

	active_w = "3840";
	active_h = "2160";
	readout_orientation = "0";
	line_length = "5000";
	inherent_gain = "1";
	mclk_multiplier = "2";
	pix_clk_hz = "300000000";
	serdes_pix_clk_hz = "300000000";

When i used this command:
v4l2-ctl --set-ctrl bypass_mode=0 --stream-mmap -d /dev/video0

and got following error :

dmesg.txt (86.5 KB)
trace.txt (5.0 KB)

Please help me. Thanks in advance.

Duplicated with Jetpack 5.0.2 : NULL VI channel received & VIFALC_TDSTATE - Jetson & Embedded Systems / Jetson AGX Xavier - NVIDIA Developer Forums

yes, i submit it repeatedly, now how can i analyse?

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