I am trying to set up
SDKM_logs_JetPack_4.4_Linux_for_Jetson_AGX_Xavier_2021-06-06_22-05-24.zip (328.0 KB)
the development environment on my ubuntu VM 18.04 LTS for jetpack 4.4. I am getting errors. attaching the logs here.SDK manager version
I am new to this any help will be appreciated.
From your SDKM log, seems the first error was:
download is resumed for https://developer.nvidia.com/assets/embedded/secure/tools/files/jetpack-sdks/jetpack-4.4-ga/JETPACK_44_b186/OpenCV-4.1.1-2-gd5a58aa75-aarch64-licenses.deb. MTD file path: https://developer.nvidia.com/assets/embedded/secure/tools/files/jetpack-sdks/jetpack-4.4-ga/JETPACK_44_b186/OpenCV-4.1.1-2-gd5a58aa75-aarch64-licenses.deb
SyntaxError: Unexpected token \00 in JSON at position 0
at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at /opt/nvidia/sdkmanager/resources/app/output/dist/electron/service/zeltice-mt-downloader/DownloadReaderAsyncTask.js:42:29
at FSReqCallback.wrapper [as oncomplete] (fs.js:477:5)
Closing file handle fd: 46 for /home/syslogic/jetson_sdk/SysLogic/OneDrive_1_6-3-2021/Config_Files_For_SDK_Manager/cuda-repo-l4t-10-2-local-10.2.89_1.0-1_arm64.deb.mtd
SyntaxError: Unexpected token \00 in JSON at position 0
at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at /opt/nvidia/sdkmanager/resources/app/output/dist/electron/service/zeltice-mt-downloader/DownloadReaderAsyncTask.js:42:29
at FSReqCallback.wrapper [as oncomplete] (fs.js:477:5)
Closing file handle fd: 47 for /home/syslogic/jetson_sdk/SysLogic/OneDrive_1_6-3-2021/Config_Files_For_SDK_Manager/OpenCV-4.1.1-2-gd5a58aa75-aarch64-libs.deb.mtd
SyntaxError: Unexpected token \00 in JSON at position 0
at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at /opt/nvidia/sdkmanager/resources/app/output/dist/electron/service/zeltice-mt-downloader/DownloadReaderAsyncTask.js:42:29
at FSReqCallback.wrapper [as oncomplete] (fs.js:477:5)
Closing file handle fd: 48 for /home/syslogic/jetson_sdk/SysLogic/OneDrive_1_6-3-2021/Config_Files_For_SDK_Manager/OpenCV-4.1.1-2-gd5a58aa75-aarch64-dev.deb.mtd
SyntaxError: Unexpected token \00 in JSON at position 0
at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at /opt/nvidia/sdkmanager/resources/app/output/dist/electron/service/zeltice-mt-downloader/DownloadReaderAsyncTask.js:42:29
at FSReqCallback.wrapper [as oncomplete] (fs.js:477:5)
Closing file handle fd: 49 for /home/syslogic/jetson_sdk/SysLogic/OneDrive_1_6-3-2021/Config_Files_For_SDK_Manager/OpenCV-4.1.1-2-gd5a58aa75-aarch64-licenses.deb.mtd
21:46:22.343 - error: NV_L4T_CUDA_TARGET_POST_INSTALL_COMP@JETSON_AGX_XAVIER: The .mtd file is corrupt. Start a new download.
You may retry a new download into a brand new directory.
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Thank you for the response,
I have tried as you suggested and still getting the same errors.
Attaching the logs again.
Log.txt (11.2 KB)
You are getting download errors. One example:
What happens if you go to a web browser on your host PC and try to download that? Just enter the above URL in your web browser. You might need to log in. If this fails, then it might be a network issue. If this works, then it is probably still a network issue, but something simpler than a full network failure.
The issue is fixed now, it was a firewall blocking the trafic. Thank you for the support here.