Jetson Agx Orin Dev Kit slow boot


I have a new Jetson Agx Orin Dev Kit and it takes too long to boot. It’s around 42 seconds. How I can optimize this for faster boot?
it seems to me that the system was trying to boot from the network first. How I can disable this?
UART and CAN pins are important to me, network is not important to me as the device is not on the internet.

Device: Jetson Agx Orin Dev Kit
Jetpack: 6.0-b52
Jetson system firmware version 36.2.0.-gcid-35084178


Please advice how to optimize Jetson AGx Orin for faster boot as per above details.
Thank you.

Dump the log, please:

Check this if you want to disable network booting stack:

dmesg.txt (64.2 KB)

Hi Dave,

Thanks for your response. Attach is log file.

I’m not asking for dmesg…

log (1).txt (32.9 KB)
hi Dave,

Attach is the log file I got following instruction you provided.

Why it got cut in UEFI?

log.txt (120.6 KB)
My mistake probably. Attach is good version.

I don’t see anything unusual in the log.
It’s not trying to boot from network.

What can I do in order to receive faster boot start? Currently it takes around 41 seconds.

Documents for your reference:
A smaller rootfs may also bring some improvements in terms of booting time:

Hi marinkovicivan,

To optimize the boot time in UEFI, you could refer to the following thread to customize UEFI if you don’t have the network requirement in your case.
Optimizing boot time on Orin NX (JP5.1.2) - #15 by KevinFFF

1 Like

Hi Kevin,

Thanks for sharing it.

I have checked your comment but at location edk2-nvidia/Platform/NVIDIA/Jetson at main · NVIDIA/edk2-nvidia · GitHub there are no and Jetson.fdf files.
I found the remaining files from your comment where the changes need to be made, but the above 2 files are not in the locations mentioned.

It seems you are using JP6.0 DP (R36.2), please switch the Branches/Tags for your release as following.

edk2-nvidia/Platform/NVIDIA/Jetson at r36.2 · NVIDIA/edk2-nvidia · GitHub

Hi @DaveYYY
boot1804.txt (55.0 KB)
Attach is boot file from my third Jetson Agx Orin Developer Kit. Here I have even longer boot time. Its often over 1 minute.
Could you please check the boot file?
Thank you.

There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue any more.
Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one.

So what have you done so far?
Can you please remove all peripherals from the device?