Jetson AGX Orin Power-On No MCU Design

Dear Sir:
We have previously implemented Power-On No MCU designs at Jetson AGX Xavier.
Can this design be applied to the Jetson AGX Orin platform? Thanks

Please jsut follow Orin DG to make custom design.

Dear Trumany:
Thank you for your quick reply, but I would like to know more about this question.
If I also refer to the design of 5.4.1 Power-On No MCU on “Jetson_AGX_Xavier_Series_OEM_Product_Design_Guide_DG-09840-001_v2.5”, is it feasible?
This is important for our production, because we don’t need to add other new materials.
Please take the time to answer, thank you.

Currently it is NOT recommended as it has NOT been validated on Orin.

Dear Trumany:
Understood, thanks for your reply.

Do you have any plans to provide No MCU design guide on AGX Orin?

Not yet. If have, it will be updated in latest DG.

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