Jetson Nano and raspberry pi camera v3

I purchased two raspberry pi camera v3’s with the intention of using them with a Jetson Nano, but quickly realised there is no official support for the v3 camera yet, only support for the v2 and HQ camera.

I found the following topic:
RaspberryPi camera Module 3 supported? - Jetson & Embedded Systems / Jetson Nano - NVIDIA Developer Forums

Is there any progress on supporting the v3 camera?
Has anyone made progress to develop a driver, and how would one start if not?
Is there any way to get the camera to work, using an adapter or similar?

Thanks in advance

Hi Rynhard,

We are currently working on the first version of the driver for our customers and we hope to have it ready in about a month. You can contact us for more details.


Hi Emmanuel

Thanks for the reply. This is fantastic news!

I look forward to seeing the first version


do you mean it is a paid driver ?

hello rynhard,

may I know what’s the sensor module it is with Raspberry Pi camera v3?
is it also the same as Topic 248423 mentioned as IMX708? if yes, that’s not supported.


Yes it is the IMX708 sensor

as mentioned, that’s not supported.

Hi Ebrahim,

As additional information, yes it is a paid driver. If you would like more information please let us know.

Carlos A.

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