Jetson nano b01 no emmc

Hi NV people
i bought a jetson nano b01.

but i have something confuse to device.
nano b01 is use emmc but my cpu module is use sd card.
the info is:
module → P3448 180-13448-DAAA-B01
nvidia carried board ->P3450 180-13449-DAAF-B01

the lable is
S/N : 1423819007638

is it have something wrong?

Hi etta,

B01 is just the SKU version of PCB, it can be either eMMC module or SD card module.
The devkit includes B01 module (SD card) + B01 carrier board.


Hi kaycc
thanks for your reply
but when i ues sdkmanager to flash nano ,sdkmanager always do “nano saved platform info in storage_info.bin” until timeout.

the flash model i use P3448-0020 and my version is jetpack4.2.3.

could you help to fix this issue?

Hi etta,

Are you using production module?
If not, please choose “Developer Kit version (P3448)” target hardware to flash Nano via sdkmanager.