Jetson Nano Boot Problems


1 Question

i have already flased a new OS into the Nano EMMC, problem is that i only have 2 gb of free space.

I do have a SD Card slot and a 32 GB sd card.

Can i use this SD card for my Home files, and leave the EMMC for the system boot?

if yes, can you please help me with a detailed commands to do this? rememeber i am a total noob!


Some notes added in random order…

Note that SDK Manager only installs on a desktop PC architecture, so an RPi won’t work.

Also, when trying to boot to external media, then extlinux.conf can be complicated since the extlinux.conf now exists on both the eMMC (you said this is eMMC model, not SD-card-only dev kit model) and the alternate boot media, yet boot content might not look at the particular extlinux.conf which you expect (it is often useful to keep an eMMC boot target, mmcblk0p1, plus the alternate rootfs boot target in order to pick either one via serial console should boot parameters be wrong).

It is typically QSPI memory on the Jetson module itself which is used to pick which extlinux.conf is pointed at, and this is changed only by flash. Sometimes if a modification causes a boot issue, then it is something which was modified in QSPI, although it could also be something extlinux.conf points at. It is far easier to add extra storage at some mount point than it is to change all of rootfs. This is also why so often you will see instructions to flash again, and is also why booting to alternate media requires extra information compared to a desktop PC (which has a BIOS). Also, QSPI is why a Nano cannot use JetPack 5.x…5.x never updated for the Nano’s SoC to use the UEFI bootloader.

If you have a spare SD card (due to being an eMMC model), then you can easily partition this and mount it somewhere specific, typically somewhere like “/usr/local”, in which you might start by copying the existing “/usr/local/*” to the new partition prior to mounting it on “/usr/local”.

The earlier missing “libconf”, “libcanberra”, so on, are added by simple “apt” commands in most cases. Specialty NVIDIA items, such as CUDA, might be added this way as well if the apt configuration knows about those repositories. Older L4T releases did not have this, but even moderately recent releases do. Even so, these are often added through SDKM.

To see what is available with the current SD card I’ll recommend that while it is plugged in you run the command:
lsblk -f
(and post what you see)

Yes, the SD card can be used for “$HOME”, and it can also be used for “/usr/local”, which is where most CUDA development space is installed, and is a large part of disk consumption. A question though, if you are going to divide content, is where it might need to be split. To get an idea of that, run these commands and post the output (you need to replace the “$USER” with your actual user name…when you run sudo this alters it, and we’re interested in the unaltered user login account, not the one given in sudo):

sudo du -h -s $USER
sudo du -h -s /usr/local
df -H -T


so what i ended up doing is cloning my eMMC, into a SD card and then modifying the extlinux correctly, i now have my system in a 32GB card which is enough!

hoping i can count with you for my streaming obs project! i will be writing in this post:

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