Jetson Nano is returning NaN when using num_jitters > 1 in face_recognition (using the GPU) package

Hi All,

I am trying to run some face recognition encoding process on Jetson Nano. It seems to work fine (face_recognition.face_encoding) as long as num_jitters = 1 (by default). this is responsilbe to make samples of the image and then giving the encoding average values. However, when I set num_jitters to bigger values than 1 e.g. 100, the returned values become NaN. I though it might the package issue, but I ran the same coding on a laptop using CPU (no GPU), the results were not NaN for the same sampling (images). In addition, I noticed that when num_jitters is a small value like 2, then a few images might have encodings, however, most of them were not.

What does that mean? Why Jetson Nano (GPU) was not able to find the encodings whereas a CPU was?


May I know how do you install dlib library?
Do you install it with pip or build it from source?

sudo pip3 install dlib



Is everything alright?
Do you fix this issue with the comment above?
