Jetson Nano Publish RTSP server with csi camera

How to open rtsp server to send csi camera. And read with opencv ?

You can launch the server by running test-launch. Please refer to
Problems minimizing latency and maximizing quality for rtsp and mpeg-ts. - #8 by DaneLLL
and replace nvcamerasrc with nvarguscamerasrc, omxh264enc with nvv4l2h264enc

For receiving RTSP stream on OpenCV, please check
Doesn't work nvv4l2decoder for decoding RTSP in gstreamer + opencv - #3 by DaneLLL

Thank you about your help , We want to use camera for stream and use yolov5 , When we use local stream inside yolov5 it is working very bad . Can we duplicate the camera or is there any good way to use local rtsp server inside opencv .

Yolov5 is a heavy model and the performance may not be good on Jetson Nano. We would suggest try other Jetson platforms.

(post deleted by author)

Hi @DaneLLL thanks, i researched it and gstreamer tee can useful for me but i don’t have any idea about how to use it. I want to use camera as source and also for stream.

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