Jetson Nano SDMMC3 enable


Ok, it will be easier to explain if you are the one who made your own board. But actually it is a little bit too early for you to make your own board when you never ever flash the board before…

  1. there are 2 kinds of Jetson Nano module in the market. Sdcard module and eMMC module. The first one has sdcard slot on the module but no eMMC storage. The 2nd one is vice versa.

  2. sdcard module is only for NV developer kit to use. This thing shall not be used for production. (You won’t use it for production either due to reality limitation).

  3. sdcard image is only for this sdcard module to use. It won’t use for eMMC module.

  4. Sdcard Image does not really reflash the board because there are some bootloader software running on Jetson which is stored inside the module so replacing sdcard image won’t update them directly.

  5. Both sdcard module and eMMC module can be totally reflashed by using sdkmanager or manual flash from another ubuntu 18.04 x86 host PC.

document link:
sdkmanager: SDK Manager | NVIDIA Developer

manual flash:

These things are complicated but essential knowledge for jetson nano development.