There are several mistake in this post which reveals you don’t know what product you are using now
It is a Waveshare custom board which cannot be directly got flashed by sdkmanager. I didn’t mean the flash would fail or you cannot boot up. The problem is interfaces on a custom board may not work properly.
For example, that sdcard slot is added by the vendor and it will 100% not work when you flashed this board with any software provided by NVIDIA directly. -
You should go to Waveshare’s website and follow their steps so that you can enable the interfaces
This issue has nothing to do with emmc. It is just (1) as I mentioned above.
You have to understand the difference of a emmc module and sdcard module. Your case is obviously a emmc module which cannot run with sdcard image.
Jetson Nano SDMMC3 enable - #11 by WayneWWW