Jetson nano won't boot to jetpack

I recently bought a Jetson Nano and have encountered some issues that I need help with. Here’s a summary of the situation:

Initial Setup:

I initially tested my Jetson Nano with the provided microSD card, which had JetPack installed. It worked fine.
Re-flashing JetPack:

I decided to start fresh and flash another copy of JetPack onto the microSD card.
When I tried to read the microSD card on my laptop using an adapter, it was not recognized. I verified that the adapter and the laptop are working fine with other microSD cards.
I also tried accessing the card on a Linux machine but faced the same issue.
Jetson Nano Boot Issue:

I reinserted the original microSD card back into the Jetson Nano, but it only booted into the Ubuntu CLI.
I then flashed a different microSD card with a fresh copy of JetPack, but it also only booted to the CLI.
Booting the Nano without any microSD card resulted in the same CLI.
Additional Attempt:

I attempted to follow a solution involving editing the device tree (tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-a02.dts or tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dts) to enable the sdhci@700b0000 status to “okay”. However, when I opened the file with nano, it showed a blank page and indicated no memory at the bottom.
I’m stuck and unsure how to proceed. I would appreciate any help or suggestions to resolve this issue.

Is your sdcard slot on the Jetson nano module or it is on the carrier board itself?

Or you don’t know what does my question mean here?

sdhci@700b0000 status to “okay”.

This attempt seems not a common method to fix anything. I don’t really suggest to try this before we know your situation.

A old post to explain this.

Okay so from what I know my sd card slot is on the carrier board (on the baseplate).

Well I was running out of ideas, so I tried changing that status.

Okay so from what I’ve read it is booting to ubuntu because there is already an onboard storage, with a bootloader. Therefore I think I should flash both the sd card and the eMMC storage, yeah? I know how to flash the sd card, but how do I flash the eMMC though?


If the sdcard slot is on the baseplate (carrier board), then you need to contact with the board vendor and ask them to provide the customized BSP for you to enable that slot.

Just another clarification: default jetpack image does not support any sdcard slot on the carrier board. Once you flash any official image from NV, that sdcard slot won’t work.

As for flashing the emmc, please prepare another x86 ubuntu 18.04 host PC and use sdkmanager to flash it. But again, that one won’t enable your sdcard slot. You would boot from emmc and that sd slot will just have no effect at all.

so I’ve bought the jetson as a whole package (baseplate and module already together), so I need to ask the store which I bought it from for the BSP right?

I’m not sure if it’ll help but just fyi the box that my jetson came in is blue instead of green (I can send you images of it, if you’re confused).

There are lots of vendor sold their board and told you “this is NV developer kit”.
But if the module is p3448-0002, then it is not sdcard module but a emmc module and that is definitely not NV devkit…

p3448-0000 → jetson nano sdcard module
p3448-0002 ->jetson nano emmc module

This might be a stupid question, but where do I check my module id? I also can send you images of my jetson

Generally there is a sticker on your module to tell this info.

But one quick way to tell is just whether there is a sdcard slot “on the module”. If there is not, then it is emmc module which is p3448-0002.

Also, you should figure this out before doing anything because you also mentioned

I attempted to follow a solution involving editing the device tree (tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-a02.dts or tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dts)

This comment already told you are using p3448-0002. If that is not true, then this attempt is also wrong.

Okay, so I’ve discovered 2 things.

  1. The sd card failed and doesn’t work anymore.

  2. My jetson indeed, as you said is not an official one. It is the JETSON-NANO-DEV-KIT from waveshare. That changes this whole thing. I’m sorry I didn’t notice that earlier.

Your first finding just matches to what I told.

As for flashing the emmc, please prepare another x86 ubuntu 18.04 host PC and use sdkmanager to flash it. But again, that one won’t enable your sdcard slot. You would boot from emmc and that sd slot will just have no effect at all.

If you want your sdcard slot able to work, maybe check waveshare website and see if they provided any method.

Thx for the help :) I’m going to check their website out now.

Alr it works now, thx for the help :)

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