I’m trying to activate the SPI communication for the Jetson Nano Devkit using the jetson-io.py script.
As I run the script, it crashes immediately without output, and I can’t get the SPI to work(in contradiction, the same process succeeded on the Jetson Xavier NX).
What should I do?
Thank you in advance,
Have a check below doc for the “Note”,
Also if your Nano is emmc version then it can run the jetson-io too. You need to modify the dts for SPI funciton.
I have already tried this, with no success.
The mentioned “note” is aimed to solve problem for L4T R32.3.1, and I’m using L4T R32.5.1.
Your board is emmc instead of sdcard version?
We tried both and failed to run it.
Add below pin for SPI in your dtb to enable it if can’t use jetson-io
header-40pin-pinmux {
phandle = <0x136>;
linux,phandle = <0x136>;
pin37 {
nvidia,enable-input = <0x1>;
nvidia,tristate = <0x0>;
nvidia,pull = <0x1>;
nvidia,pins = "spi2_mosi_pb4";
nvidia,function = "spi2";
pin28 {
nvidia,io-high-voltage = <0x1>;
nvidia,enable-input = <0x1>;
nvidia,tristate = <0x0>;
nvidia,pull = <0x0>;
nvidia,pins = "gen1_i2c_scl_pj1";
nvidia,function = "i2c1";
pin27 {
nvidia,io-high-voltage = <0x1>;
nvidia,enable-input = <0x1>;
nvidia,tristate = <0x0>;
nvidia,pull = <0x0>;
nvidia,pins = "gen1_i2c_sda_pj0";
nvidia,function = "i2c1";
pin26 {
nvidia,enable-input = <0x1>;
nvidia,tristate = <0x0>;
nvidia,pull = <0x2>;
nvidia,pins = "spi1_cs1_pc4";
nvidia,function = "spi1";
pin24 {
nvidia,enable-input = <0x1>;
nvidia,tristate = <0x0>;
nvidia,pull = <0x2>;
nvidia,pins = "spi1_cs0_pc3";
nvidia,function = "spi1";
pin23 {
nvidia,enable-input = <0x1>;
nvidia,tristate = <0x0>;
nvidia,pull = <0x1>;
nvidia,pins = "spi1_sck_pc2";
nvidia,function = "spi1";
pin22 {
nvidia,enable-input = <0x1>;
nvidia,tristate = <0x0>;
nvidia,pull = <0x1>;
nvidia,pins = "spi2_miso_pb5";
nvidia,function = "spi2";
pin21 {
nvidia,enable-input = <0x1>;
nvidia,tristate = <0x0>;
nvidia,pull = <0x1>;
nvidia,pins = "spi1_miso_pc1";
nvidia,function = "spi1";
pin19 {
nvidia,enable-input = <0x1>;
nvidia,tristate = <0x0>;
nvidia,pull = <0x1>;
nvidia,pins = "spi1_mosi_pc0";
nvidia,function = "spi1";
pin18 {
nvidia,enable-input = <0x1>;
nvidia,tristate = <0x0>;
nvidia,pull = <0x2>;
nvidia,pins = "spi2_cs0_pb7";
nvidia,function = "spi2";
pin16 {
nvidia,enable-input = <0x1>;
nvidia,tristate = <0x0>;
nvidia,pull = <0x2>;
nvidia,pins = "spi2_cs1_pdd0";
nvidia,function = "spi2";
pin13 {
nvidia,enable-input = <0x1>;
nvidia,tristate = <0x0>;
nvidia,pull = <0x1>;
nvidia,pins = "spi2_sck_pb6";
nvidia,function = "spi2";
pin10 {
nvidia,enable-input = <0x1>;
nvidia,tristate = <0x1>;
nvidia,pull = <0x2>;
nvidia,pins = "uart2_rx_pg1";
nvidia,function = "uartb";
pin8 {
nvidia,enable-input = <0x0>;
nvidia,tristate = <0x0>;
nvidia,pull = <0x0>;
nvidia,pins = "uart2_tx_pg0";
nvidia,function = "uartb";
pin5 {
nvidia,io-high-voltage = <0x1>;
nvidia,enable-input = <0x1>;
nvidia,tristate = <0x0>;
nvidia,pull = <0x0>;
nvidia,pins = "gen2_i2c_scl_pj2";
nvidia,function = "i2c2";
pin3 {
nvidia,io-high-voltage = <0x1>;
nvidia,enable-input = <0x1>;
nvidia,tristate = <0x0>;
nvidia,pull = <0x0>;
nvidia,pins = "gen2_i2c_sda_pj3";
nvidia,function = "i2c2";
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