I am implementing the Jetson NX SOM via 260 pin SODIMM and want to utilise the GPIO’s that are different to those used in standard 40 pin header.
How do I address these GPIO’s via python code using BCM or Board mode from Jetson GPIO python library.
For example, I want to define GPIO04 (pin127) and GPIO06 (pin130) as inputs and read from these pins.
I have code that works using BCM for pins that exist in 40 pin header by cross referencing the BCM number for corresponding Pin using RPi header table, but I have not been able to find any complete table that defines Jetson GPIO numbers to BCM or Board numbers
What is the proper way to address GPIO’s on NX SOM without having to change any pinmux tables, or does anyone have a complete GPIO to BCM table.
Thanks Jerry, I already have pinmux, what I am looking for is an example or instructions on how to address these GPIO’s from Python. We are not using any dev kit, we are connecting directly to the SOM SODIMM 260 pin numbers, e.g GPIO04 (pin 127) in pinmux
you may check # cat /sys/kernel/debug/tegra_pinctrl_reg for pin address, and its values.
please note that,
kernel side is using “Ball Name” for its pin naming, for example, GPIO04 named SPI2_MISO in system level, and it’ll follow by its pin configuration, due to the pin configured as GPIO, you’ll need to check spi2_miso_pcc1 for the pin address,
for example,
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