Jetson Orin AGX Dev Kit Wake-On-LAN

I’m trying to setup Wake-On-LAN for a Jetson Orin AGX development kit running Jetpack r35.4.1.

When I run:

sudo ethtool -s eth0 wol g

the eth0 device goes down and I get the following in dmesg:

nvethernet 6810000.ethernet: [xpcs_lane_bring_up][470][type:0x4][loga-0x0] Failed to get PCS block lock

When I put the device into suspend I’m unable to wake it using the wakeonlan utility.

I added a log of the console output during the wake-on-lan attempt. It appears to start the process but can’t bring the system back online.
agx-orin-wol.log (38.8 KB)

Thanks in advance for your help.

Hi ascholz,

The WOL function is working on r35.4.1 + AGX-Orin.
Please follow below steps and try again.

$ sudo ethtool -s eth0 wol g
$ sudo ethtool eth0
→ check Wake-on: g
$ sudo systemctl suspend

[Host PC]
$ wakeonlan -i [Orin-IP-Address] [Orin-HW-Address]

I’ve tried these steps. I always get the same failed to get PCS block lock error as I noted above and the eth0 interface goes down.

When I probe with ethtool the wol g option is set. After I put the system in suspend it appears to catch the wake-on-lan packet but the system does not reliably wake from suspend. Sometimes it will go into a cold boot and other times it will hang.

If I set the wol option back to d then I can restore the network interface by restarting the systemd.networkd service.

I’m able to wake from suspend using the RTC timer so it seems specific to the wake-on-lan option.

I am using the minimal file system and running a custom kernel with tickless idle and XFS support enabled.

Thanks for your help.

You could try to change the variables that modified by you back to original setting and see which one is causing this issue.

It is hardly to directly say it must be xxx that causes your issue as we cannot reproduce the error you saw.

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