I’m trying to setup Wake-On-LAN for a Jetson Orin AGX development kit running Jetpack r35.4.1.
When I run:
sudo ethtool -s eth0 wol g
the eth0 device goes down and I get the following in dmesg:
nvethernet 6810000.ethernet: [xpcs_lane_bring_up][470][type:0x4][loga-0x0] Failed to get PCS block lock
When I put the device into suspend I’m unable to wake it using the wakeonlan utility.
I added a log of the console output during the wake-on-lan attempt. It appears to start the process but can’t bring the system back online. agx-orin-wol.log (38.8 KB)
I’ve tried these steps. I always get the same failed to get PCS block lock error as I noted above and the eth0 interface goes down.
When I probe with ethtool the wol g option is set. After I put the system in suspend it appears to catch the wake-on-lan packet but the system does not reliably wake from suspend. Sometimes it will go into a cold boot and other times it will hang.
If I set the wol option back to d then I can restore the network interface by restarting the systemd.networkd service.
I’m able to wake from suspend using the RTC timer so it seems specific to the wake-on-lan option.
I am using the minimal file system and running a custom kernel with tickless idle and XFS support enabled.