Dear All,
I am new to community and kindly would like to ask your opinion about my project. I am PhD student in EPFL in robotics. I am working with drones and study Model Predictive Control (MPC) based approach to control/estimate multiple drones. I have medium-sized MAVs. Previously, I was using Raspberry Pi 3b (4-core 1.2 GHz Arm A53) as onboard computer to run my stacks in Robot Operating System (ROS). (I have a budget of 10W at most). However, I realized that the CPU is not powerful enough to run my optimization routines in desired frequency. So I decided to upgrade my onboard computer to one of the Jetson modules. As I have seen from the website, there are two main/strong alternatives: Jetson TX2 and Jetson Xavier NX. My questions are:
I have not used a board with GPU before. Is it possible to configure GPU such that it helps CPU for processing?
Which one (Xavier NX or TX2) is more suitable for this kind of application?
Is there any support to use ROS with CPU+GPU?
Where can I find carrier boards for the modules?
Thank you in advance for your support. Kind regards,
Kagan Erunsal