My hardware is:
product: NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX Developer Kit
System: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
Sometimes when the jetson unexpectedly power off and power on again,
during boot, run a program that opencv get rtsp camera stream via gstreamer and the program show below error info in the terminal.
Error info:
Error:Can’t initialize nvrm channel
Error:Can’t initialize nvrm channel
Couldn’t create ddkvic Session: Cannot allocate memory.
After this happened, my program cannot run success again even i tried to run the program in another terminal. I MUST run
‘sudo reboot’ for many times and then can recover.
Additional error info:
My program process will get the below info in terminal and then exit.
Opening channel /dev/nvhost-vic failed
Couldn’t create ddkvic Session: Cannot allocate memory.
nvbuf_utils: Could not create Default NvBufferSession.