Jetson Xavier NX Developer kit gstreamer error

My hardware is:
product: NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX Developer Kit
System: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS

Sometimes when the jetson unexpectedly power off and power on again,
during boot, run a program that opencv get rtsp camera stream via gstreamer and the program show below error info in the terminal.
Error info:
Error:Can’t initialize nvrm channel
Error:Can’t initialize nvrm channel
Couldn’t create ddkvic Session: Cannot allocate memory.

After this happened, my program cannot run success again even i tried to run the program in another terminal. I MUST run
‘sudo reboot’ for many times and then can recover.

How to resolve this issue?

Additional error info:
My program process will get the below info in terminal and then exit.
Opening channel /dev/nvhost-vic failed
Couldn’t create ddkvic Session: Cannot allocate memory.
nvbuf_utils: Could not create Default NvBufferSession.

Do you see it on specific Xavier NX module? Or happens to multiple modules? Would like to clarify this is a hardware or software issue first.

Yes, i did see this issue in multiple modules.

This is a software issue.

I have found these issues on ‘JetPack4.4 JetPack 4.4.1 JetPack4.6.2’

My jetson version below:
cat /etc/nv_tegra_release

R32 (release), REVISION: 4.3, GCID: 21589087, BOARD: t186ref, EABI: aarch64, DATE: Fri Jun 26 04:34:27 UTC 2020

When issues happened, the terminal show below error logs:
<1>nvbuf_utils: Could not get EGL display connection

<2>NvRmMemInit failed*

<3>Opening channel /dev/nvhost-vic failed
Couldnot create ddkvic Session:Cannot allocate memory
nvbuf_utils: Could not create Default NvBufferSession.

From the logs, all about ‘nvrm memory’, how to check this memory allocated success?

Looks like the memory is used up and it fails to allocate memory for VIC engine.

There are simple samples and please check if you can run these on your device:
Opencv with rtsp source and backgroundsubtractor in Xavier AGX - #3 by DaneLLL

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