- Thermal Zone
For more information refer to https://docs.nvidia.com/jetson/l4t/index.html#page/Tegra%2520Linux%2520Driver%2520Package%2520Development%2520Guide%2Fpower_management_jetson_xavier.html%23wwpID0E0ZK0HA
- Xavier internal MAC is EQOS, which can support 10/100/1000/2500 Mbps. Default ethernet PHY(88e1512) support 10/100/1000Mbps, you can chose PCIE extended ethernet card to support 10000Mbps ethernet.
For default ethernet, Refer to Marvell website ( https://www.marvell.com/documents/eoxwrbluvwybgxvagkkf/) for more information regarding the 88E1512.
- Wifi card There is no wifi chip embedded inside the xavier module. You can chose a pcie/usb card to connect via the air. eg: M2, Intel Wireless-AC 8265, USB RTL8192U chipset
- Xavier support upto 8 channels MIPI CSI camera through its on board ISP. Refer to webset: https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/community/ecosystem#machine_vis_cam_sens to choose the sensors you are interested in
Jetson Xavier also won’t use U-boot like TX products.
It uses Cboot and booting on SSD is not assured anymore.
A solution was found to extend /home folder.
If you have same issue on SSD, please see the topic :
“Jetson Xavier Boot on SSD using Cboot”.
Thank’s you.