When we login to switch it goes to standard then to Enable Mode. But how can we directly login to Enable Mode instead of standard.
FYI. Switch model is MSN2010-CB2F
Please provide exact steps what can be done logging in directly to Enable mode. Because it is preventing to take switch backup
Any inputs on this questions please
July 31, 2020, 10:51pm
Hello Ranjith,
Thank you for posting your inquiry on the Mellanox Community.
Unfortunately, there is no option to login to the switch directly in the ‘enable’ mode. However, you can execute remote ‘enable’ mode commands through the following example syntax:
$ ssh -ladmin cli -h ‘“enable” “show asic”’
Mellanox MLNX-OS Switch Management
Module Device Version
MGMT QTM 27.2008.0232
You can find more information through the following link → https://docs.mellanox.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=30605617#SecureShell(SSH)-RetrievingReturnCodesWhenExecutingRemoteCommands
Thank you,
~NVIDIA/Mellanox Technical Support