Mass Flash Error

After successful flash on a single Orin AGX, I’m trying mass flashing (on 2 Orins as a start), but i get some errors.


hardware: AGX Orin 64G module

make massflash packgae cmd:
sudo BOARDID=3701 FAB=500 BOARDSKU=0005 BOARDREV=“R.0” ./tools/kernel_flash/ --no-flash --network usb0 --massflash 2 jetson-agx-orin-devkit mmcblk0p1

massflash cmd:
sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/ --network usb0 --flash-only --massflash 2

flash_3-1_2_20240519-143510.log (48.2 KB)

flash_3-1_2_20240519-150805.log (5.0 KB)
dev_log.txt (42.9 KB)


Are you sure you are using the right parameter?
These will be shown in a successful flashing log.

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