Mellanox Connectx-6Dx : Receiving Packets out of order


Sending packets at speed 200,000 pps.
Receiving Packets at Mellanox Management Tool “Mlx5Cmd.exe”.
Receiving all packets but with random out of order packets (some packets are jumbled) on some test runs. (in 1/5 runs)

Hello Burot,

Thank you for posting your inquiry on the NVIDIA Developer Forum - Infrastructure and Networking - Section.

Make sure that you following all performance tuning guidelines when using the ConnectX-6 Dx on Windows OSses →

For resolving out-of-order packets, please review the following section in the WinOF-2 UM →

Be aware, Windows DPDK is not mature and using it with our ConnectX-6 Dx has its limitations.

Thank you and regards,
~NVIDIA Networking Technical Support

Hi MvB,

Followed both documents & set necessary parameters including performance but still receiving out-of-order packets.

Ran with “ReceiveBuffers” value - 512(default), 1024 and 4096. Received out-of-order packets in all cases.


Hello Nvidia Team,

Any updates on this thread ?

We switched our setup to Linux (Ubuntu 20.04), still see same issue with adapter.
Please suggest.

Linux Env details:


Does this also exist with CX-6 when used with Linux ?


I am experiencing the same thing on ubuntu 22.04 with MLNX_OFED_LINUX-5.9-

Any workaround?