Missing page in documentation

I tried to access this link https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-math-api/group__CUDA__MATH__INTRINSIC__CAST.html with documentation about CUDA specific functions for conversions among numeric types. The page is said to be in an unsupported format, and to contact you if I have any questions.

What does this imply? Does this mean that the functions are deprecated?

Thank you in advance!

Hi @alinstefan.bordeianu,

Thanks for posting. I have reached out to the documetation team to check on the page. I will update you here when I have more info.


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Hi @alinstefan.bordeianu,

May I ask where you found that link?
This is the correct page: 8. Type Casting Intrinsics — CUDA Math API Reference Manual 12.6 documentation

Hello @TomNVIDIA
I’m sorry, I can’t tell you exactly how I found it. I only remember surfing the net for some functions to safely cast numeric types in CUDA, and that page popped up. Roughly a week and a half ago, the link was still visible and contained the same things that I can see at the link you provided. Then, when I checked it again after a few days, that error message was displayed.

Hope to have answered you

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Thanks for your reply.
Hope you found what you needed.


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