MLNX_OFED Red Hat 8.10 - libvma rpms

In the latest version MLNX_OFED packages, there is no libvma rpms in the RPMS directory in the iso-tgz prepared for Red Hat 8.10.

When I checked, it is present in the latest ofed package prepared for Red 8.6. Why doesn’t MLNX_OFED include libvma* for later operating system versions? Does anyone know?

Currently, the --vma parameter, which is the install option for current version Red Hats, is useless, VMA cannot be installed.

We have been setting up Mellanox Ofed like this for a long time and have never had any problems. Now that has changed.
Is there a special reason why these vma rpms are not included? Why is the --vma option still an option, but the packages are not available? Does anyone have any comments on this? Has a statement been made?

sample installation;

[root@X MLNX_OFED_LINUX-23.10-]#./mlnxofedinstall --vma

is completed as follows.

Installation finished successfully.

[root@X /]# rpm -qa |grep -i libvma

But when I checked, I saw that it did not install any vma rpm.

OFED package for rhel 8.6 no problem;there are libvma, libvma-devel , libvma-utils

But other version 8.8, 8.10 etc rpms not included in the content

Thank you.

Does anyone have any comments or information on the subject?

Hello ayaztekin,

Thank you for posting your query on our community. According to MLNX_OFED 23.10- release notes, libvma 9.8.40-1 is supported.

According to VMA 9.8.4 release notes, the supported OS’es are Ubuntu 20.04, and RHEL 8.4 and RHEL 8.6.

Hence, the libvma package is included in the package for RHEL 8.6 but not RHEL 8.10. Hope this answers your question.


Thank you.

Red Hat 8.10 is an up-to-date version that will be supported for a long time, and it is very interesting that there is still no supported vma package.