In the latest version MLNX_OFED packages, there is no libvma rpms in the RPMS directory in the iso-tgz prepared for Red Hat 8.10.
When I checked, it is present in the latest ofed package prepared for Red 8.6. Why doesn’t MLNX_OFED include libvma* for later operating system versions? Does anyone know?
Currently, the --vma parameter, which is the install option for current version Red Hats, is useless, VMA cannot be installed.
We have been setting up Mellanox Ofed like this for a long time and have never had any problems. Now that has changed.
Is there a special reason why these vma rpms are not included? Why is the --vma option still an option, but the packages are not available? Does anyone have any comments on this? Has a statement been made?
sample installation;
[root@X MLNX_OFED_LINUX-23.10-]#./mlnxofedinstall --vma
is completed as follows.
Installation finished successfully.
[root@X /]# rpm -qa |grep -i libvma
But when I checked, I saw that it did not install any vma rpm.
OFED package for rhel 8.6 no problem;there are libvma, libvma-devel , libvma-utils
But other version 8.8, 8.10 etc rpms not included in the content
Thank you.