Hi, we have a Jetson NX Xavier with pca9548 behind i2c cam bus, we reconfigured the device tree for the i2c mux and the ixm219 cameras, they show up fine but the ixm219 driver only loads the first camera it finds and the other two are not showing up under /dev/
it looks boot-up process also checking for 32-0010 and 33-0010. what’s the remaining kernel messages?
is there any failures? please share the complete logs for reference, thanks
it may due to you’re not configure i2cmux correctly.
please see-also reference device tree to review your sensor implementation.
for example, $public_sources/kernel_src/hardware/nvidia/platform/t19x/jakku/kernel-dts/common/tegra194-camera-jakku-rbpcv2-imx219.dtsi