My Fan died

Hello everyone,

The fan on my Jetson AGX Xavier has finally stopped working. It used to make noise every now and then, but now it has completely stopped. It moves randomly at times, but I think it’s time to replace it.

Can anyone guide me on how to replace the fan or the heatsink? I’m considering installing a new heatsink altogether. Does anyone know where I can find documentation on how to remove the heatsink? I haven’t been able to locate it.

Looking forward to hearing from you all!

Thank you so much for your assistance.

There is no specific doc for this. Please refer to the Xavier docs in DLC for more info of Xavier devkit which might be helpful to do that.

Hello Trumany,

Thank you for your reply. I did check the documents you referred to, but I couldn’t find any helpful information there. It looks like it’s a solid piece of metal, and I don’t know what to do after removing all the screws. There must be a way to take it off, I assume, because I refuse to believe that I need to buy an entirely new Jetson just because the fan died.

Hopefully someone in Nvidia is able to provide the details about this.

Thank you very much time.


What do you think of using a dremel To cut The top?

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