Turns out I am too stupid to use atomicAdd. I can’t get my kernel to compile as soon as i add a line with a call to “atomicAdd”.
simple_kernel.cu", line 44: error: identifier "atomicAdd" is undefined
This is what I get. I’ve got a 8600 GT. The kernel has the following line at the very top:
#include "device_functions.h"
Is there anything else I need to include or take care of? Any compiler flags? I also tried using the absolute path “C:\CUDA\include\device_functions.h” for the include but it still wouldnt work.
Once again I should’ve been thinking a bit harder before posting. I got this problem resolved by looking at the histogram64 sample in the SDK. Its just another command line argument that is necessary to be added.
If you’re using Visual studio, you should right click the solution and select properties, when you get the cuda runtime api - gpu dialog (se attatched jpg) box change the gpuarchitecture(1) to sm_13