When I try to use Profile CUDA Application, NSight can recognize my GPU but cant capture kernels. It shows no kernel launches captured! Please verify your activity settings and make sure the kernel filter is setup correctly.
My GPU is 1660ti, my CUDA is 10.0, NSght is 6.0, VS is 2017.Why is this? Could anyone tell me?
If you are not running with admin privileges, you may be getting a ERR_NVGPUCTRPERM error.
For more information, see https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-development-tools-solutions-ERR_NVGPUCTRPERM-permission-issue-performance-counters.
Also, note that Nsight Compute is our next generation profiler and will work on your GPU. This CUDA profiler has many advanced features to help you isolate performance issues/hotspots and allows you to compare profiling runs (to see how changes in your code affect performance and GPU utilization).
Nsight Systems is also available to help find system-wide performance issues.
Thank you for your advice very much. I have just checked my settings and there is no problem. And I am prettty sure I run VS and NSight Monitor with admin privileges. But I still find problems running.
This is Trace Application. NSight can record CPU, but cant record GPU.
Sorry I cant post more pictures. When I use Profile CUDA Apllication, It shows “no kernel launches captured! Please verify your activity settings and make sure the kernel filter is setup correctly”.
There is no ERR_NVGPUCTRPERM error in the whole procedure.
And NSight Compute cant capture GPU kernels either.
This is Profile CUDA Application.
This is my Nvidia settings.