I just installed the 11.1 toolkit on Ubuntu (20.04) using the run file and I expected to run nsight, but it is nowhere to be found. The compute and system versions are there, but not the Eclipse Edition IDE. What else am I supposed to do?
It looks like Nvidia no longer bundles Nsight with the toolkit, rather, they provide the EE plugins for a normal Eclipse install. So far, this has proven to be an inferior approach for the application I’m attempting to build (cuFFTDx, in particular). I’ll post that grief in another topic.
The latest version of Nsight EE I can find (for Unbuntu 20.04) is 10.1. Verification from Nvidia would be appreciated.
It turns out Nsight’s deprecation was documented in version 10.2 (I skipped 10 altogether).
Sadly, the new method of running Nsight (essentially a “skinned” Eclipse) has resulted in a serious memory leak requiring either more knowledge on my part to mitigate, or a better implementation overall. In general, the heap climbs eternally forcing restart every few hours of continual use.
is the plugin supported on linux only or also we could use windows eclipse with the plugin?
I do not know, though I would suspect no, because Nvidia’s Windows implementation of Nsight uses Visual Studio. I’ll look at the contents of the tar to see if there are libraries or other components that are Linux specific when I get a chance.
I have some issues with the nSight Plugin for EE as well, I also skipped the CUDA 10.2 and I’m getting back now on CUDA 11.2 and lo and behold, no more eclipse bundled, but I’ll talk about this in another topic.
What I’m doing right now is using the one from the 10.2 package, I was able to install it along with the CUDA 11.2 on Kubuntu with
sudo apt install nvidia-nsight
It’ll install the nvidia-cuda-doc (10.1) but at least is a complete working IDE. It may not be the best solution, but at least I’m on familiar ground.