I’m using nsight 2.2 , Toolkit 4.2 , latest nvidia driver , I’m using couple gpu’s in my computer. Build customize 4.2.
I have set “generate GPU ouput” on CUDA’s project properties, nsight monitor is on (everything looks great).
I set several break points on my global - kernel function . nsight stops at the declaration of the function , but skips over several break points. it’s just like nsight decide whether to hit a break point or skip over a break point.
The funny thing is that nsight stops at for loops , but doesn’t stop on simple assignment operations.
One more problem is that I can’t set focus or add variables to the watch list , In this case (see attached screenshot)I can’t resolve the value of variable : “posss” or “testDetctoinRate1”
which are registers in this case. on the other hand , shared memory or block memory would insert automatically to the local’s list.
Here is a screen shot of the kernel , before debugging:
Here is a screen shot during debugging
I evoke my kernel function with following call:
checkCUDA<<<1, 32>>>(sumMat->rows,sumMat->cols , (UINT *)pGPUsumMat);
cudaError = cudaGetLastError();
if(cudaError != cudaSuccess)
printf("CUDA error: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(cudaError));
kernel call works without an error.
Is there any option to forcing nsight stops at all breakpoints ?
How can I add thread’s registers to my watch list ?
Any help would be appreciated
I can post my code on demand
P.S how can I convert this post to nsight forum , somehow I can’t post messages on nsight forum.