I’m using Visual Studio 2013, Cuda ToolKit v7.5, and Nsight v5.2, and Nvidia GTX 1080. When I start “Cuda Debugging” the Debugger skips all breakpoints, but executes with No errors. I’ve looked at other thread forums Nvidia, StackOverflow, and also the Nsight v5 manual for HOURS trying to fix the issue with nothing working yet. I did Modify the Properties for the Solution for Debugging (as recommended by the forums) that is included below. The Project is just the sample of what MSVS2013 gives you on start up in Kernal.cu, MSVC2013->NewProject → CUDA C/C++ → v7.5.
Thanks for the help,
Solution Properties:
CUDA C/C++ =>
Common →
Generate Relocatable Device Code: Yes (-rdc=true)
Device →
Code Generation:
Generate GPU Debug Information: Yes (-G)
Generate Line Number Information: Yes (-lineinfo)
Verbose PTXAS Output: Yes (–ptxas-options=-v)
Host →
Generate Host Debug Information: Yes(-g)
CUDA Linker =>
General →
Generate GPU Debug Information: Yes(-G)
Could you tell me the the windows and driver version? If you use win 10 RS1, I wonder we have internal bug to track it, the Nsight cannot hit bp on win 10 RS1.
Oh, I guess you are using latest windows 10 and driver 373.06, right? Currently nsight doesn’t work well with 64-bits apps on win10 red stone with GTX 1080 but the old win 10 is good, we are doing our best to fix it.
Yes, I am using the latest versions of both drivers, just verified.
Would running Visual Studio and Nsight in “Win7 Compatibility mode” fix the problem for the time being in Win10?
On another note, Nsight used to work with my GTX 960, but not with the New 1080. Until I re-Installed the Drivers, Cuda Toolkit v7.5 & v8.0, Nsight v5.2, and Graphics Drivers, Da, I wish I didn’t do that!
I think Compatibility mode won’t work, but you can have a try, the issue only happens on Pascal card, GTX 960 is a maxwell card and it should work on latest win 10. Sorry for inconvenience, we have several bugs to track the break point issue on win 10 RS1.
I have pretty much the same problem (bp not being hit) with Visual Studio 2015, Cuda 8.0.44, NSight 5.2, drivers 369.30, GTX 1070. Everything seems to work fine but when I start CUDA debugging the monitor opens and then closes immediately , with no error.