Number of hairpin queues

I am using bluefield-2 and I’d like to use hairpin queues between 3 representors, smtng like that:

en3f0pf0sf2 - en3f1pf1sf4

Depends on some rule I’d like to offload packets from sf2->sf4 or from sf3->sf2.

I found that rte_eth_dev_hairpin_capability_get contains hard coded values

cap->max_rx_2_tx = 1;
cap->max_tx_2_rx = 1;

Is it possible to use 2 or more hairpin queues?
Or otherwise capability to offload traffic between 3 representors with arm cores in one direction and without arm cores in another?

Thanks in advance

it seems using DPDK.

Haripin maybe no need.
Try offload from one port to another port (set PATTERN phy_port/port_id, action to another port).

I’ll try, thanks a lot.