Nvarguscamerasrc - metadata missing when using bufapi-version=true


I’m trying to get the timestamps from the frames produced by nvarguscamerasrc (I’m on 32.3.1). As described here, I got it working without using bufapi-version=true.

Is it possible to get the timestamps with bufapi-version=true?

Thanks in advance!

We will check and evaluate to add the support in future release.

I’m trying to synchronize multiple feeds, is there any other way to do that in the mean time?

We have checked and think this is customization. The implementation of nvarguscamerasrc is open source in r32.4.2. You may take a look at the source code and customize it to your usecase. Please get the code form

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That is awesome news! Thanks a lot!

If you don’t mind me asking: are there any plans to open-source the camera server (nvargus-daemon) as well?


We don’t have plan for this.