Nveglglessink is unable to use in deepstream-test1-usb.py sample

I am running on the PC I have installed all the requirements, I am able to use the fake sink with out visual output but I want use nveglglessink. Please kindly suppport.

The following is the error I am getting
Creating Pipeline

Creating Source

Creating H264Parser

Creating Decoder

Creating Video Converter

creating tracker

Creating EGLSink

Playing cam /dev/video0
Adding elements to Pipeline

Linking elements in the Pipeline

Starting pipeline

0:00:01.854440051 112104 0x38f6f20 WARN nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:643:gst_nvinfer_logger: NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Warning from NvDsInferContextImpl::initialize() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:1170> [UID = 1]: Warning, OpenCV has been deprecated. Using NMS for clustering instead of cv::groupRectangles with topK = 20 and NMS Threshold = 0.5
WARNING: …/nvdsinfer/nvdsinfer_model_builder.cpp:1482 Deserialize engine failed because file path: /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.1/sources/deepstream_python_apps/apps/deepstream-test1-usbcam/…/…/…/…/samples/models/Primary_Detector/resnet10.caffemodel_b1_gpu0_int8.engine open error
0:00:03.047296855 112104 0x38f6f20 WARN nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:643:gst_nvinfer_logger: NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Warning from NvDsInferContextImpl::deserializeEngineAndBackend() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:1897> [UID = 1]: deserialize engine from file :/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.1/sources/deepstream_python_apps/apps/deepstream-test1-usbcam/…/…/…/…/samples/models/Primary_Detector/resnet10.caffemodel_b1_gpu0_int8.engine failed
0:00:03.072825556 112104 0x38f6f20 WARN nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:643:gst_nvinfer_logger: NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Warning from NvDsInferContextImpl::generateBackendContext() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:2002> [UID = 1]: deserialize backend context from engine from file :/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.1/sources/deepstream_python_apps/apps/deepstream-test1-usbcam/…/…/…/…/samples/models/Primary_Detector/resnet10.caffemodel_b1_gpu0_int8.engine failed, try rebuild
0:00:03.072842371 112104 0x38f6f20 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:646:gst_nvinfer_logger: NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::buildModel() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:1923> [UID = 1]: Trying to create engine from model files
WARNING: [TRT]: The implicit batch dimension mode has been deprecated. Please create the network with NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag::kEXPLICIT_BATCH flag whenever possible.
WARNING: …/nvdsinfer/nvdsinfer_model_builder.cpp:1454 Serialize engine failed because of file path: /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.1/samples/models/Primary_Detector/resnet10.caffemodel_b1_gpu0_int8.engine opened error
0:00:23.917394360 112104 0x38f6f20 WARN nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:643:gst_nvinfer_logger: NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Warning from NvDsInferContextImpl::buildModel() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:1950> [UID = 1]: failed to serialize cude engine to file: /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.1/samples/models/Primary_Detector/resnet10.caffemodel_b1_gpu0_int8.engine
INFO: …/nvdsinfer/nvdsinfer_model_builder.cpp:610 [Implicit Engine Info]: layers num: 3
0 INPUT kFLOAT input_1 3x368x640
1 OUTPUT kFLOAT conv2d_bbox 16x23x40
2 OUTPUT kFLOAT conv2d_cov/Sigmoid 4x23x40

0:00:23.944611880 112104 0x38f6f20 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer_impl.cpp:328:notifyLoadModelStatus: [UID 1]: Load new model:dstest1_pgie_config.txt sucessfully
cuGraphicsGLRegisterBuffer failed with error(219) gst_eglglessink_cuda_init texture = 1
Frame Number=0 Number of Objects=0 Vehicle_count=0 Person_count=0
0:00:26.261894352 112104 0x1842860 WARN nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:2300:gst_nvinfer_output_loop: error: Internal data stream error.
0:00:26.261906232 112104 0x1842860 WARN nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:2300:gst_nvinfer_output_loop: error: streaming stopped, reason not-negotiated (-4)
Error: gst-stream-error-quark: Internal data stream error. (1): gstnvinfer.cpp(2300): gst_nvinfer_output_loop (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstNvInfer:primary-inference:
streaming stopped, reason not-negotiated (-4)


Welcome to the NVIDIA Developer forums! This topic looks like it should go in the Deepstream category. I will move it over for better visibility.

Please provide complete information as applicable to your setup.
• Hardware Platform (Jetson / GPU)
• DeepStream Version
• JetPack Version (valid for Jetson only)
• TensorRT Version
• NVIDIA GPU Driver Version (valid for GPU only)
• Issue Type( questions, new requirements, bugs)
• How to reproduce the issue ? (This is for bugs. Including which sample app is using, the configuration files content, the command line used and other details for reproducing)
• Requirement details( This is for new requirement. Including the module name-for which plugin or for which sample application, the function description)
• The pipeline being used

Which GPU you are using?

Thanks for your response.
I am running it on GPU, on Jetson its working fine but on GPU its not working.
*Deepstream version 6.1
*TensorRT version
*NVIDIA driver version 515.65.01
its just my question why I am able to run on Jetson and why not on GPU .
I used the following method to run

  • Python3 Deppstream-test1-usb.py /dev/video0
    *Pipeline is same as in sample program didn’t change anything

Hi Amycao, I am using Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660

There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue anymore.
Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one.

This indicates an error with OpenGL or DirectX context.
do this, prime-select nvidia and try again.

This topic was automatically closed 14 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.