NVIDIA-AI-Workbench-x86_64.AppImage: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error : Jetson Nano 8GB Orin Development Kit


I just wanted to see if knows if the NVIDIA AI workbench is compatible to run on the Jetson Nano Orin 8GB development kit.

The NVIDIA-AI-Workbench-x86_64.appimage file from the official NVIDIA download page seems to be for x86_64 bit systems where as the Nano is aarch64.

I tried anyway to run the .appimage file which returned the following error message; NVIDIA-AI-Workbench-x86_64.AppImage: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error

I attempted to use qemu to emulate the x86_64 architecture on the Nano, which failed

Any advice and/or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

I just found this link which I am reading through now which may contain the answer I am looking for

Install AI Workbench Remotely on Ubuntu - NVIDIA Docs

$ wget https://workbench.download.nvidia.com/stable/workbench-cli/$(curl -L -s https://workbench.download.nvidia.com/stable/workbench-cli/LATEST)/nvwb-cli-$(uname)-$(uname -m) -O ./nvwb-cli &&
chmod +x ./nvwb-cli &&
sudo -E ./nvwb-cli install
–2024-10-18 16:07:20-- https://workbench.download.nvidia.com/stable/workbench-cli/0.29.2/nvwb-cli-Linux-aarch64
Resolving workbench.download.nvidia.com (workbench.download.nvidia.com)…
Connecting to workbench.download.nvidia.com (workbench.download.nvidia.com)||:443… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 403 Forbidden
2024-10-18 16:07:20 ERROR 403: Forbidden.

Hi. Thanks for posting.

As far as I know, AIWB isn’t compatible with jetson nano.

However, I’m not certain that’s related to the error you are seeing.

Let me look into Jetson a bit more.

Apologies for late response.

Thank you very much!