Nvidia Drive AGX Orin Flashing Error

Please provide the following info (tick the boxes after creating this topic):
Software Version
DRIVE OS 6.0.6
DRIVE OS 6.0.5
DRIVE OS 6.0.4 (rev. 1)

Target Operating System

Hardware Platform
DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit (940-63710-0010-300)
DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit (940-63710-0010-200)
DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit (940-63710-0010-100)
DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit (940-63710-0010-D00)
DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit (940-63710-0010-C00)
DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit (not sure its number)

SDK Manager Version

Host Machine Version
native Ubuntu Linux 20.04 Host installed with SDK Manager
native Ubuntu Linux 20.04 Host installed with DRIVE OS Docker Containers
native Ubuntu Linux 18.04 Host installed with DRIVE OS Docker Containers

Hello Nvidia Community,

I am getting a flashing error while flashing drive os sdk 6.0.6.

Please have a look at the log for more details.
driveinstaller.log (1.1 MB)

Dear @abdul.rehman3,
Currently, what is the DRIVE OS version on target? You can check using cat /etc/nvidia/version-ubuntu-rootfs.txt on target. The valid migration paths are at Requirements for Your Development Environment | NVIDIA Docs

Please consider upgrading to latest devzone release i.e DRIVE OS
If you want to use DRIVE OS 6.0.6, could you give a try flashing with DRIVE OS 6.0.6 docker container to avoid issues related to host environment.

Please use docker image : nvcr.io/drive/driveos-sdk/drive-agx-orin-linux-aarch64-sdk-build-x86: when using docker container to flash.

For flashing using docker, please see Set Up DRIVE OS Linux with NVIDIA GPU Cloud (NGC) | NVIDIA Docs

For setting up docker, please see Set Up Docker and NVIDIA GPU Cloud Access | NVIDIA Docs

Its a new Orin. I just unbox it. I can’t use docker as it is not permitted.

Dear @abdul.rehman3,

ok. Do you see any issue with target? Can you connect via serial console and confirm the DRIVE OS version.

Info: Executing cmd: status, argc: 0, args:
Alive : 00:05:57
CPU load Core 0: 5%
CPU load max Core 0: 24%
CPU load Core 1: 0%
CPU load max Core 1: 0%
CPU load Core 2: 0%
CPU load max Core 2: 0%
CPU load Core 3: 0%
CPU load max Core 3: 0%
CPU load Core 4: 0%
CPU load max Core 4: 0%
CPU load Core 5: 0%
CPU load max Core 5: 0%

Hardware information:
SystemUpInit-Time[ms]: 2

IP-address (Tegra-A):
IP-address (AURIX):

Base MAC-address (Tegra-A): 0xFFFFFF050000
MAC-address (AURIX): 0x48B02D63132B

RAM Usage: 78848 bytes
Command Executed

Dear @abdul.rehman3,
Could you connect to /dev/ttyACM0 (tegra) and verify the DRIVE OS version?

Here is the complete log
log.txt (34.0 KB)

We haven’t seen the “Flashing process exited with error 46” message before.

[2024-01-30 13:12:55,290 root DEBUG console_logger.py 17 1074378] b'/bootburn.py", line 156, in bootburn_active\r\n    bootburnOrin.Boot_Create_Flash_Coldboot()\r\n  File "/home/l-arehman/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_OS_6.0.6_SDK_Linux_DRIVE_AGX_ORIN_DEVKITS/DRIVEOS/drive-foundation/tools/flashtools/bootburn/../bootburn_t23x_py/bootburn_orin.py", line 751, in Boot_Create_Flash_Coldboot\r\n    self.CreateVDKImages(self.targetConfig.f_FlashCfg, self.targetConfig.p_OutDirPath, "flash-images")\r\n  File "/home/l-arehman/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_OS_6.0.6_SDK_Linux_DRIVE_AGX_ORIN_DEVKITS/DRIVEOS/drive-foundation/tools/flashtools/bootburn/../bootburn_t23x_py/bootburn_orin.py", line 352, in CreateVDKImages\r\n    self.GenerateImage(self.storageCfgParser.cfgFileList, l_Operation, operationPath)\r\n  File "/home/l-arehman/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_OS_6.0.6_SDK_Linux_DRIVE_AGX_ORIN_DEVKITS/DRIVEOS/drive-foundation/tools/flashtools/bootburn/../bootburn_t23x_py/bootburn_lib.py", line 2568, in GenerateImage\r\n    AbnormalTermination("s_ERROR_TOOL_NVIMAGEGEN", nverror.NvError_NvImagegen)\r\n  File "/home/l-arehman/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_OS_6.0.6_SDK_Linux_DRIVE_AGX_ORIN_DEVKITS/DRIVEOS/drive-foundation/tools/flashtools/bootburn/../bootburn_t23x_py/flashtools_nverror.py", line 249, in AbnormalTermination\r\n    raise OSError(errorCode)\r\nOSError: 46\r\n'
[2024-01-30 13:12:55,356 root DEBUG console_logger.py 17 1074378] b'\r\n'
[2024-01-30 13:12:55,457 root ERROR pdk_flasher.py 277 1074378] Flashing process exited with error 46
[2024-01-30 13:12:55,458 root INFO runner.py 37 1074378] Error in flashing!
[2024-01-30 13:12:55,459 root DEBUG runner.py 39 1074378] Error on line 968
[2024-01-30 13:12:55,459 root DEBUG runner.py 40 1074378] Exception info: Exception Type <class 'module.errors.FlashingError'>, Traceback <traceback object at 0x7fd518f14f08>

What did you mean ‘not permitted’?

Could you please verify if you can access the prompt to retrieve the current version information by running the following command?

$ cat /etc/nvidia/version-ubuntu-rootfs.txt 

If not, kindly execute the ‘version’ command in the Aurix console (accessible through /dev/ttyACM1).

We haven’t seen the “Flashing process exited with error 46” message before.
How can I resolve this issue of error 46.

What did you mean ‘not permitted’?
It is not permitted in my organization. However, please share the guidelines for it.

Info: Executing cmd: version, argc: 0, args:
Command Executed

Dear @abdul.rehman3,
Per aurixFW version, the board is preflashed with 6.0.4. Could you check the valid migration path in
Requirements for Your Development Environment | NVIDIA Docs ? You may check 6.0.4-> 6.0.5 works with out any issue using sdkmanager.

Dear Krishna,

I have already followed this link and got the error mentioned above.

I have managed to install docker successfully.

What are the next steps as the information mentioned on the following links is very misleading.


Please write steps here.

Also update your sdkmanager guidelines for the above error. So the next person don’t have to waste days on these errors when they are already obvious.

Dear @abdul.rehman3,

The flashing error you have encountered is new to us. In the past, we notice, most of the flashing errors are due to host system state and when customer started using dockers to flash, they could flash without any issue. So we encourage customers to use docker.

Now, per attached picture, I see flashing is successful using docker. May I know which DRIVE OS docker you have used to flash?

Were you able to connect to /dev/ttyACM0(Tegra A console) after booting using minicom? What do you see on the screen?

I am assuming, you are trying to use/flash a new devkit. I would actually expect a new devkit to boot without any issue and aurix and tegra consoles are expect to be accessible.

Please use text messages instead of images in the post when you share any log. So that the related error could be searchable by others in community.

Dear Krishna,

I am getting a new error while flashing 6.0.8. I am following these guidelines Set Up DRIVE OS Linux with NVIDIA GPU Cloud (NGC) | NVIDIA Docs

Please have a look at the log files.
driveinstaller.log (1.5 MB)
log_0i8v4rdyahw2tomuc6bfzq1573nskgl9.txt (2.1 KB)

Dear @abdul.rehman3,
I see flashing is successful message in last attached picture.
Could you please file a new topic for better tracking of the issue. Please provide below information in the new topic.

  1. Current DRIVE OS version on target (check cat /etc/nvidia/version-ubuntu-rootfs.txt on target
  2. See if Tegra and Aurix is accessible from host using minicom.
  3. Make sure there is two wire connection between host and target as mentioned in Quick start guide. Check if an additional NVIDIA device is visible on host when running lsusb on host when the target in put in recovery mode.
  4. Make sure target is in normal mode before trying to flash.
  5. Attach the flashing logs.