NVIDIA driver not included in the image for Jetson Nano?

From what I can tell there is no NVIDIA driver pre-installed into the image for the Jetson Nano. This is counterintuitive as I assume that this driver is mandatory for taking advantage of the GPU that’s included on the board. Can someone enlighten me?

Assuming that this is actually the case I plan to install the latest driver, i.e. nvidia-driver-430. Is this OK, or is the driver somehow unnecessary?

Thanks in advance for any comments or suggestions.

Since Jetson has an integrated GPU that doesn’t use PCIe, it includes a different NVIDIA driver that comes pre-installed with JetPack on the SD card image. You don’t need to install the “nvidia-driver-430” package because that is a PCIe driver.

Thanks for the clarification, I appreciate your help @dusty_nv!

Which version of Nvidia driver and Cuda toolkit Comes Pre-installed with Jetpack 4.4?

It’s CUDA 10.2, please refer to the JetPack release notes for more details.

So, does this mean the only way to update the driver on the Nano is to install a newer Jetpack version or is it possible to download and upgrade the display driver manually from Nvidia?

Hi @kaisar.khatak, that is correct, the driver for Jetson comes with JetPack. The GPU drivers that you would download and install manually are for discrete GPUs, not the Jetson’s integrated GPU.

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