I’m trying to use nvvidconv plugin in my application.
My application uses cuda process, so I need to control gpu memory buffer.
As I know, if I add ‘(memory:NVMM)’ in my gstreamer pipeline, it means the pipeline uses gpu memory.
So I received the data from nvvidconv gstreamerpipeline and passed it to cuda process.
But cuda process could not handle it properly.
Here is my pipeline example.
When I search about this issue in the forum and nvidia sample codes, the way to copy buffer from gpu to cpu is recommended like below.
But it takes about 40~50ms more than above gstreamer pipeline.
Thank you for your kind reply.
I know it’s a limitation that VIC can’t convert BGR. But it’s not my concern.
I just want to know how can I handle the image data buffer in my app source if I use (memory:NVMM) without copy it to cpu.
For example, how can I handle if I use below gst pipeline in my app.